Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery Fri, 28 Jun 2024 23:07:22 +0000 en hourly 1 Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery 32 32 Female Sexual Arousal Disorder Symptoms and Treatments Fri, 28 Jun 2024 22:45:43 +0000 Female sexual arousal disorder (FSIAD) occurs when your body isn't responding to sexual stimulation. However, the experience can be different for each woman. While some women with FSIAD experience symptoms every time they try to engage in sexual activity, others may have more ...

The post Female Sexual Arousal Disorder Symptoms and Treatments appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

Female sexual arousal disorder (FSIAD) occurs when your body isn’t responding to sexual stimulation. However, the experience can be different for each woman. While some women with FSIAD experience symptoms every time they try to engage in sexual activity, others may have more sporadic symptoms. Living with FSIAD can be a frustrating and demoralizing experience for a woman and her partner. With FSIAD being spoken about so infrequently in the medical community, most women don’t know that there’s actually a name and diagnosis for the symptoms they are experiencing. More importantly, that treatment for female sexual arousal disorder is available.


Types of Female Sexual Arousal Disorder

One of the reasons why female sexual arousal disorder is experienced so differently among women is that this disorder has different subtypes. Getting an accurate diagnosis based on what you’re experiencing is important for making sure you’re getting the correct female sexual arousal disorder treatment. Take a look at the three types of female sexual arousal disorder.


Subjective Arousal Disorder

Subjective arousal disorder occurs when a woman experiences genital response to sexual stimulation without accompanying cognitive awareness of sexual pleasure. While physical genital responses occur, the woman doesn’t experience mental arousal in response to sexual genital or non-genital stimulation. Stimulation can include touch, kissing, dancing, and physical stimulation.


Genital Arousal Disorder

Genital arousal disorder occurs when a woman experiences feelings of pleasure in her mind that do not manifest into physical arousal. While she may be interested in having a sexual experience, lack of lubrication and sensation prevent this from happening. While genital arousal disorder can occur in women of any age, it is especially common in women experiencing hormonal changes during and after menopause.


Combined Arousal Disorder

As the name suggests, combined sexual arousal disorder occurs when both genital and mental responses to sexual stimulation are absent. A woman with combined arousal disorder may experience a general lack of sexual desire. When attempting to engage in sexual activity, she can struggle to find both the desire and physical interest needed to experience pleasure.


Symptoms of Female Sexual Arousal Disorder

The telltale sign that a woman is experiencing FSIAD is that she is noticing a pronounced decrease in sexual interest and pleasure. While symptoms are on a spectrum, it’s not uncommon for women with FSIAD to experience a complete absence of mental and physical arousal. Other symptoms of female sexual arousal disorder can include:

  • Reduction in sex drive.
  • Never thinking about sex.
  • Decreased arousal when attempting to engage in sexual activity.
  • Lack of arousal in response to intimate physical touch.
  • Lack of arousal in response to sexual stimulation of any kind.
  • Infrequently initiating sexual activity with a partner.
  • Reduced or dulled sensations in the genitals.
  • No increase of blood flow to the genitals when attempting arousal.
  • Vaginal dryness when attempting arousal.

When diagnosing FSIAD, Dr. Tahery takes a whole-picture approach to health to try to pinpoint underlying reasons for symptoms. Past pelvic surgeries, chronic illness, sexual trauma, and psychological factors can all contribute to FSIAD. Symptoms can also be related to hormonal changes linked with childbirth or menopause. It’s common for care providers to conduct pelvic examinations to look for signs of infection or nerve damage that could be causing FSIAD symptoms. Blood work may also be ordered.


RELATED: Sex After Menopause| What Should You Know?



There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for FSIAD because underlying causes can be anatomical, hormonal, medical, or psychological. In many cases, a combination of treatments that address more than one factor can be successful. Some options for treating female sexual arousal disorder include medications, hormone therapy, non-invasive vaginal rejuvenation like G spot injection, or speaking with a therapist specializing in sexual health.

While FSIAD can feel like a sensitive topic for many women, its symptoms should never be ignored. Losing your sexual desire and pleasure isn’t something that any woman should decide to just “live with.” The reality is that sexual health is tied to overall health and wellness. If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms shared above, this could be an indication that something is out of balance with your overall health or hormonal balance. In addition to helping to restore your sexual arousal, female sexual arousal disorder treatment options can also help to bring your body back in sync. Addressing an underlying issue may actually reduce your risk levels for other illnesses and disorders!

If you’d like to talk with a highly-rated doctor about female sexual arousal disorder, don’t hesitate to book a consultation with Dr. Michael Tahery. Dr. Tahery is a leading obstetrician-gynecologist (OB-GYN) and urogynecologist in the Los Angeles area. Contact our office today to schedule your appointment.

The post Female Sexual Arousal Disorder Symptoms and Treatments appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

What Causes Female Infertility? Mon, 17 Jun 2024 20:43:44 +0000 Female infertility refers to infertility whose root cause lies with the women. Infertility is a complex issue that can have many causes. Conception and pregnancy are very delicate and complicated processes that require the right conditions and timing in order to be successful, hence infertility will occur if the right conditions are not met. 

The post What Causes Female Infertility? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

Female infertility refers to infertility whose root cause lies with the women. About 1 in 6 couples will experience infertility issues of which the women will cause two-thirds of these infertility problems. Infertility can be classified as either primary infertility or secondary infertility. Primary infertility is when a woman has never been pregnant and secondary infertility is when a woman has been pregnant at least once. Conception and pregnancy are very delicate and complicated processes that require the right conditions and timing in order to be successful, hence infertility will occur if the right conditions are not met. 


Symptoms of Female Infertility

The most obvious symptom of infertility is an inability to become pregnant. Diagnosis criteria can be met when attempting to become pregnant with frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year (six months after age 35) unsuccessfully. However, even someone who isn’t actively attempting to become pregnant at the moment may notice signs of infertility. An irregular menstrual cycle that is either too long or too short can also be a telltale sign. Finally, an absent or unpredictable menstrual cycle can indicate that ovulation isn’t taking place. Some women don’t experience any signs of infertility.


Causes of Infertility in Women

Infertility is a complex issue that can have many causes. It’s important to note that infertility is not just a female problem. It’s estimated that female infertility is the cause of 37% of couples experiencing infertility. Age can be a factor for many couples. Accelerated ovarian aging following age 35 is known to contribute to reduced fecundity that is associated with reduced ovarian reserve. As a woman ages, dwindling follicle reserve combined with the accumulation of DNA damage stemming from a lifetime of genotoxic exposure and oxidative burden can reduce fertility.

Fertility care is constantly evolving as the medical world learns more about the underlying mechanisms that contribute to the causes of female infertility. In recent years, the impact of cell-regulating proteins called sirtuins (SIRTs) has gained attention. SIRTs are involved in regulating cellular processes that include cell aging, cell death, and stress resistance. They’re also indicated in cellular homeostasis, energy metabolism, and apoptosis. Here’s a look at the leading causes of female infertility:


  • Ovulatory disorders (25%): This can include polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), hypothalamic dysfunction affecting follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), and primary ovarian insufficiency.


  •  Endometriosis (15%): Endometriosis is a condition that occurs when tissue that typically grows in the uterus implants and grows in other areas. Dense tissue growth can cause scarring that prevents the egg and sperm from meeting. In cases where egg and sperm do meet, endometriosis can disrupt implantation.


  • Tubal blockage (11%): Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes can block passage of ovulatory or fertilized eggs. Tubal impairment can stem from a wide range of causes that can include previous abdominal or pelvic surgeries, pelvic inflammatory disease, and STIs.


  •  Hyperprolactinemia (7%): Marked by excessive prolactin in the blood, this condition is most commonly caused by a benign tumor in the pituitary gland. It can also be triggered by certain medications, underlying health conditions, or random and unexplained causes. Hyperprolactinemia is considered one of the most treatable causes of female infertility.


  •  Pelvic adhesions (12%): Pelvic adhesions occur when scar tissue causes the surfaces of organs to fuse together. Infertility-associated adhesions are commonly found in the uterus and cervix. Causes include endometriosis, pelvic infections, STIs, and past abdominal or pelvic surgeries.


  • Other tubal/uterine abnormalities (11%): Abnormalities can be caused by both genetic issues and injuries/surgical scarring. For example, a narrow or malformed uterus can make implantation more difficult.


RELATED: Fertility After 35


Female Infertility Treatment

For the millions of people struggling to conceive, female infertility treatments can provide a bright light on the journey to parenthood. The first step in any infertility treatment is diagnosing the underlying causes of female infertility that could be in play for a particular patient. From there, the pathway to treatment is highly individualized based on the health factors and personal goals in mind. It may be determined that surgery for correcting pelvic adhesions, scar tissue, fibroids, endometriosis, or polyps is necessary to increase the odds of pregnancy. Removing barriers to implantation can sometimes be enough to achieve natural pregnancy without further intervention.

In some cases, triggering ovulation using infertility drugs that mimic FSH and LH may be enough to facilitate a healthy pregnancy. Other patients may require intrauterine insemination (IUI) in order to achieve fertilization during ovulation. For patients who don’t find success with female infertility drugs or IUI alone, in vitro fertilization (IVF) that harvests mature eggs to create an embryo for transfer into the uterus is the next recommended step for some causes of female infertility.

Dr. Michael Tahery is a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist (OB/GYN) and urogynecological surgeon in Los Angeles. Specializing in fibroid tumors, endometriosis, and pelvic pain, Dr. Tahery is committed to helping his patients find the right female infertility treatments to help them get the best outcomes possible. Treatments that address female infertility are also essential for improving overall health and quality of life. If you’ve been struggling to get pregnant don’t hesitate to book a consultation with Dr. Tahery. Contact our office today!


The post What Causes Female Infertility? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

Ozempic Vagina: What Are The Side Effects Of Semaglutide? Fri, 24 May 2024 22:01:20 +0000 If you've experienced weight loss with Ozempic or a similar weight-loss drug, you may be wondering if some other changes you've noticed could also be linked. Is there such a thing as Ozempic vagina? Explore the different ways in which Ozempic can affect your vaginal health and appearance.

The post Ozempic Vagina: What Are The Side Effects Of Semaglutide? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

Can Ozempic affect your vaginal health? If you’ve been paying attention to health headlines in recent months, you may be aware that some people have experienced what the media is calling “Ozempic butt” and “Ozempic face.” These terms refer to the loss of fat that can occur in the face, buttocks, and other parts of the body to create a deflated, sagging appearance. It’s believed that Ozempic’s ability to trigger rapid weight loss can cause sagging and wrinkling of the skin. If you’ve experienced weight loss with Ozempic or a similar weight-loss drug, you may be wondering if some other changes you’ve noticed could also be linked. Is there such a thing as Ozempic vagina? Explore the different ways in which Ozempic can affect your vaginal health and appearance.


Saggy Labia

It’s important to note that Ozempic isn’t officially linked with any symptoms of what people are calling Ozempic vagina. It is still yet to be determined if Ozempic causes any side effects on vaginal health. The rapid weight loss that many people experience after beginning Ozempic is believed to be what’s responsible for these changes. In some women who take Ozempic, the rapid weight loss that occurs throughout the body may result in visible sagging of the labia or vagina because of overall fat and volume loss. This sagging is caused by loose labia loose skin in the vaginal area, wrinkles, or some combination of all three. It’s also common for rapid weight loss to cause the labia to suddenly feel out of proportion compared to how it previously felt.


Vaginal Laxity

When we lose weight rapidly, it’s common to also lose muscle mass. Unfortunately, muscle loss that results from Ozempic use can actually cause vaginal laxity. Vaginal Laxity isn’t just a cosmetic issue. The loosening of muscles that occurs with weight loss can lead to pelvic weakness and incontinence, and some women have reported a feeling of looseness during intercourse.


Vaginal Dryness

If you’ve noticed vaginal dryness since starting Ozempic, you may be wondering if the medication could be to blame. This side effect isn’t quite as easy to pinpoint. One thing that is known about Ozempic is that it can sometimes cause side effects that include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. If these symptoms persist, they can leave you chronically dehydrated. Being dehydrated can cause vaginal dryness.


RELATED: Facts and Myths About a Loose Vagina 


Treatments for Ozempic Side Effects

If you’re feeling self-conscious about Ozempic vagina, there are several things to know. First, it’s important to book a consultation to discuss the symptoms of Ozempic vagina you’re experiencing to confirm that they are actually linked with your weight loss. While Ozempic and other weight-loss drugs certainly can be responsible for looseness, sagging, and dryness, it’s wise to rule out other potential causes. Everything from menopausal changes to gynecological conditions could be behind the symptoms you’re experiencing. If vaginal changes are being caused by an untreated underlying factor, it’s important to identify and treat the root cause. If it’s determined that your symptoms are being caused by Ozempic vagina, there are several treatments that can help to restore firmness and tightness to the vagina.



If Ozempic has left you with sagging skin, labiaplasty can be an option for tightening things up down there. With a high satisfaction rate of over 90%, This cosmetic gynecology procedure can change the shape and size of the vulva’s labia minora and labia majora. Commonly used as a restorative treatment for women following childbirth or age-related changes, labiaplasty can leave you feeling more sexually confident and have the freedom to wear what you wouldn’t before the procedure.


Vaginal Tightening

If you’re experiencing vaginal laxity that is decreasing sensation, a tightening procedure can help to restore firmness while also potentially helping with incontinence and reducing vaginal dryness. While vaginal tightening procedures can be customized, they typically involve tightening the vaginal canal while also addressing any protruding external skin for aesthetic purposes.


Labia Puffing

While the topic hasn’t been officially studied, many women have experienced wrinkling as one of the common Ozempic effects on the vulva. If Ozempic use and weight loss have left you with wrinkling of the vaginal lips, puffing can help to restore a full, supple look. There are two nonsurgical options for labia puffing. The first is to use dermal fillers to plump up the labia. The fillers used for this procedure are similar to the fillers that are commonly used in facial injections. The process involves a tiny injection done with a local anesthetic. Patients don’t need any recovery time. Results can last up to eight months per session.

The second option for addressing Ozempic effects on the vulva is labia puffing using fat graft. During this procedure, a small amount of fat is harvested from the thigh, abdomen, or other part of the body. Using a local anesthetic, the purified fat is then injected into the labia using a specialized needle. The benefit of this treatment is that it does not pose risks for rejection because it uses the patient’s own fat. The fat is easily reabsorbed by the body over time.


Vaginal Dryness Creams

If you’d simply like to address ongoing vaginal dryness that you’ve experienced since beginning Ozempic, vaginal creams can help to restore balance. Both hormonal and nonhormonal options can be used. However, patients simply looking for a natural, hormone-free option can often get the results they want from creams such as SILK that promote natural lubrication of the vaginal mucosa.


While the side effects of Ozempic for women are still being researched, many patients have experienced Ozempic effects on the vulva. Dr. Michael Tahery has more than 20 years of experience with treating complex women’s health issues. Contact our office today to book a consultation!

The post Ozempic Vagina: What Are The Side Effects Of Semaglutide? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

Sex After Menopause | What Should You Know? Sat, 27 Apr 2024 01:07:16 +0000 Menopause can have a profound impact on sex drive and sexual health. For many women, desire and enjoyability nosedive leading up to, during, and after menopause. A lack of information regarding hormonal changes can leave women in the dark about their options. Quality, enjoyable sex after menopause is possible ...

The post Sex After Menopause | What Should You Know? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

Menopause can have a profound impact on sex drive and sexual health. For many women, desire and enjoyability nosedive leading up to, during, and after menopause. A lack of information regarding hormonal changes can leave women in the dark about their options. Quality, enjoyable sex after menopause is possible. In fact, it should be considered the standard. Here’s what every woman needs to know about menopause and sex.


How Does Menopause Affect Your Sex Life?

Menopause is a natural part of life. It should be looked at as something to be managed with grace and confidence instead of something to be “cured.” However, there’s no denying that some menopause symptoms can cause pain and stress for many women. Understanding why these symptoms happen is an important part of feeling empowered in your menopause journey. Here’s a look at some of the ways that menopause can alter sexual health.


Low Libido

During menopause and perimenopause, estrogen and testosterone production dips significantly. For most women, this signals dramatic changes in sexual function. In addition to lowering desire, estrogen dips can make it difficult to become aroused when engaging sexually. In fact, more than 30% of perimenopausal or postmenopausal women report having sexual struggles that range from lack of sexual desire to orgasm difficulties.


Vaginal Dryness

In addition to reducing overall sexual desire for many women, the estrogen and testosterone dip that occurs during menopause, and decreased sexual activity can also cause vaginal dryness. Sometimes referred to as vaginal atrophy or atrophic vaginitis, vaginal dryness caused by reduced estrogen levels actually results in shrinkage of the vaginal wall. As this happens, the vaginal lining can become smooth and dry. Dryness is often accompanied by sensations of burning, itching, and tightening that can cause extreme discomfort. Of course, any vaginal itching or discomfort shouldn’t be dismissed as normal menopausal symptoms even if you are of menopausal age. Be sure to book an appointment with a gynecologist to rule out infections or other conditions that could be causing pain or discomfort.


Pain or Discomfort During Intercourse

Dyspareunia is the term for painful vaginal sex. According to research, up to 30% of postmenopausal who are not being treated hormonally experience this condition. Dyspareunia is actually divided into three different categories based on the type of pain that is experienced. These categories are superficial pain upon penetration, deep pain, or a combination of both. Dyspareunia can produce a sharp, burning pain that either persists or fades as intercourse goes on.

Like other symptoms that can make enjoying sex after menopause challenging, pain and discomfort during intercourse are largely caused by reduced estrogen and testosterone levels. In addition to leaving vaginal tissue more fragile, reduced estrogen can also cause urinary and bladder issues that make sex feel uncomfortable.

Not all painful sex after menopause is strictly hormone-related. Some women experience pain caused by childbirth, pelvic trauma, pelvic surgery, and other underlying conditions. Even stress, fear of intimacy, or insecurity about a changing postmenopausal body can make enjoying sex feel like a challenge. Some common medications prescribed for depression and high blood pressure are linked with excessive vaginal dryness.


Reduced Elasticity

Another common cause of painful or uncomfortable sex after menopause is reduced elasticity. Reduced estrogen levels can cause vaginal tissue to lose its elasticity. In addition to being tender, vaginal tissue can be more vulnerable to tearing and bleeding.


RELATED: What is Labial Hypertrophy?


Improving Your Sex Life After Menopause

Countless women have gone from believing that sex could never be pleasurable again to enjoying sex after menopause. The key to restoring sexual health is getting a proper diagnosis that gets to the root of why you are experiencing pain, lack of desire, or other common symptoms that show up in women after ages 40, 50, and beyond. Here’s a look at common treatments for menopausal sexual health.


Hormone Therapy

With reduced estrogen being at the core of so many negative symptoms that affect sex after menopause, hormone therapy is generally the most common treatment. However, hormone therapy is never a one-size-fits-all solution. Natural hormone therapies that are tailored to the needs of an individual patient can include levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone that can often restore sexual function. These therapies can also be important for improving heart and bone health. Vaginal estrogen and lubricants can also help increase blood flow to promote natural lubrication and responsiveness.


Non-Hormonal Therapy

Radiofrequency and laser technology has also been helpful in alleviating dryness, increasing lubrication, improved blood flow to the vagina and clitoral area, as well as increasing the collagen deposit in the genitalia. These methods of treatment are safe and can be applied in conjunction with other modalities or by themselves and have been shown to be very safe and effective. 


Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal rejuvenation is increasingly becoming popular among women who want to restore the function and appearance of the internal and external genitalia. Rejuvenation actually refers to a collection of treatments that can either be performed independently or together as part of a plan to repair and restore damaged or atrophied tissue. Options include:


  •  Laser and radiofrequency vaginal rejuvenation
  •  Surgical rejuvenation
  •  Perineoplasty
  •  Vaginal tightening
  • Labiaplasty and clitoral hood reduction
  • Labial Puff
  • G Spot Injection


In addition to restoring cosmetic appearance, vaginal rejuvenation can correct a weakened pelvic floor to improve overall health and quality of life. It can also help to enhance sexual pleasure. In many cases, rejuvenation treatments allow women to correct ongoing muscle, tissue, and nerve injuries that they have lived with for years following childbirth.

Would you like to learn more about treatments that are available to help you enjoy sex after menopause? Our offices in Glendale and Los Angeles provide an array of minimally surgical treatments, nonsurgical treatments, hormonal treatments, and exercise-based therapies to help our patients with rejuvenation, restoration, and restored pleasure. Dr. Michael Tahery has been helping women manage perimenopause and menopause symptoms for more than 20 years. Contact our office today to book an appointment.

The post Sex After Menopause | What Should You Know? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

What Is Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation? Sat, 13 Apr 2024 00:18:53 +0000 Changes to the genitalia are more common than most realize. Vaginal rejuvenation aims to address those concerns through repair and revitalization. While there are many surgical options available, surgery is not always necessary. There are several non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatments to provide life-changing results without ...

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Vaginal rejuvenation is quickly becoming one of the most popular segments of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery in Los Angeles and around the world. It’s not hard to see why. Millions of women face issues that affect their confidence and quality of life. Changes to the internal and external genitalia are more common than most realize.

Women can sustain injuries after childbirth, experience hormone-related changes throughout their life, and more. These problems can negatively impact one’s quality of life, resulting in low self-esteem. Furthermore, these issues can cause additional problems like discomfort during sexual intercourse or urinary incontinence.

Vaginal rejuvenation aims to address those concerns through repair and revitalization. While there are many surgical options available, surgery is not always necessary. There are several non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatments to provide life-changing results without the stress or downtime.


Types of Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation

Contrary to popular belief, women don’t have to go under the knife to see impressive results. Every woman’s needs are different, and it’s important to turn to an experienced urogynecologist like Dr. Michael Tahery for guidance in determining which non-surgical treatment is right for you. The good news is that there are multiple non-invasive options.


Non-Surgical Vaginal Tightening

Vaginal tightening is an often-requested procedure. Many women experience looseness of the vaginal tissue after giving birth. Those going through menopause may also notice thinner, dryer, and less elastic tissue due to hormonal changes.

Fortunately, non-surgical rejuvenation is available to address concerns. Rather than physically removing extra tissue to achieve a tightening effect, non-surgical tightening relies on your body’s natural revitalization capabilities. Lasers and radiofrequency modalities can direct gentle thermal energy deep into the vaginal tissue, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. Over time, the tissue tightens naturally, all without a single incision.


Non-Surgical Labiaplasty

Women looking to reshape or resize the labia minora and labia majora often consider labiaplasty. Surgical labiaplasty is highly effective at enhancing the overall appearance of the labia and addressing issues like discomfort. However, it can take several weeks to recover fully from the procedure. Non-surgical labiaplasty offers a non-invasive alternative with no incisions.

Non-surgical labiaplasty utilizes radiofrequency technology. Handheld devices apply gentle heat to activate fibroblasts within vaginal tissue. The fibroblast cells produce collagen proteins. Through radiofrequency stimulation, this form of non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation effectively shrinks and tightens tissue for a smoother and more uniform look.


RELATED: Vaginal Atrophy Treatment Options


Benefits of Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation

Despite the effectiveness of surgery, more and more women are turning to non-surgical rejuvenation. Opting for the non-surgical route can provide many benefits catering to your unique needs and concerns.


Faster Recovery

One of the biggest perks of non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation is the speedy recovery. Generally, non-surgical procedures occur in an outpatient setting. That means they don’t require downtime; most women will return to work the next day.

Because there are no incisions, the recovery process is much more manageable. While every procedure is different, there are generally fewer restrictions to worry about when recovering from non-invasive treatments.


Enhances Sexual Pleasure and Confidence

Every woman has their reasons for seeking vaginal rejuvenation, but enhanced sensation during sexual intercourse is a significant motivator. Non-surgical procedures can provide transformative results. Improvements to the vaginal tissue often result in more tightness, improving sexual pleasure.

Additionally, the improvements women experience can be life-changing. Vaginal concerns often cause self-esteem to plummet. Many become self-conscious and less confident. Non-surgical rejuvenation is an investment in yourself. It can help you take control of your sexual health, making you feel more empowered than ever before.


Treatments are Faster

Traditionally, surgical procedures require significant planning on your end. Most patients must take time off work and plan their life around recovery. That’s not the case with non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation.

The lack of incisions and reliance on laser and radiofrequency technology make these procedures much quicker. They’re outpatient procedures, so you can go home and return to your routine almost immediately.

Depending on the procedure, women often see results within a few days and continuous long-term improvements in the months after.


Improves Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness is a common but often-overlooked problem. It can affect women of all ages, but it’s a common byproduct of menopause that can make intercourse painful. While non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation often focuses on the physical appearance and elasticity of vaginal tissue, it can also address dryness.

Stimulating collagen production improves tissue in many ways. In addition to becoming thicker and firmer, collagen can encourage more natural lubrication.

There are many ways to address your vaginal concerns. Whether you’re considering surgery or want to stick with non-surgical alternatives, you can turn to Dr. Michael Tahery. As an expert in cosmetic vaginal surgery and urogynecology, Dr. Tahery is well-equipped to find a solution to your unique needs. Dr. Tahery has over two decades of experience in private practice, helping women like you throughout the Los Angeles area with complex health and cosmetic concerns. He’s ready to apply his expertise to develop a treatment plan that’s unique to you while optimizing health and achieving great results.

Contact the offices of Dr. Michael Tahery today to schedule your consultation and explore your non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation options.

The post What Is Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

How Much Does Vaginoplasty Cost? Fri, 08 Mar 2024 23:34:46 +0000 Vaginoplasty procedures are more popular than ever. Thousands of women across the country elect to get this surgery for a variety of reasons. It's a form of cosmetic surgery and reconstructive that can repair the pelvic floor and walls of the vagina. This procedure can help women address vaginal injuries after childbirth, tighten ...

The post How Much Does Vaginoplasty Cost? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

Vaginoplasty procedures are more popular than ever. Thousands of women across the country elect to get this surgery for a variety of reasons. It’s a form of reconstructive and cosmetic surgery that can repair the pelvic floor and walls of the vagina. This procedure can help women address vaginal injuries after childbirth, tighten the vaginal canal to restore sensation during sexual intercourse, and more.

Like any other surgical procedure, vaginoplasty is complex. Every woman’s needs are different, and Dr. Michael Tahery a skilled urogynecologist and expert in cosmetic vaginal surgery will work with women to achieve their distinct goals. But there’s one common question that many women wonder: How much does vaginoplasty cost?


How is the Vaginoplasty Cost Calculated?

The total cost of this procedure can vary based on numerous factors. Typically, the procedure costs anywhere between $4,000 and $20,000. However, no two surgeries are the same. Every woman’s needs are unique, and surgeons develop plans after a full examination and discussion.

Here are a few considerations that will impact how much you can expect to pay for vaginoplasty.


Number of Procedures

Another factor that will impact the total vaginoplasty cost is the number of procedures performed. Vaginoplasty involves repairing the pelvic floor and vaginal walls. How surgeons approach those repairs depends on the extent of previous vaginal injuries. The type of repairs involved are often different for every woman.

Simpler repairs and vaginal canal tightening will come with lower costs. Surgeons evaluate injuries to identify the weakness in each vaginal wall and determine what techniques will provide the desired results. In many cases, surgeons must repair more than just superficial layers. They often have to repair deeper connective tissues and muscular layers.

More complex repairs can come with higher costs. Furthermore, complicated vaginal surgery may require IV sedation versus the local anesthesia used for more straightforward procedures. Therefore, you may incur additional fees to bring in an anesthesiologist.

Dr. Michael Tahery can also combine vaginoplasty with additional procedures. Many women opt to address multiple issues during one procedure to minimize downtime. For example, surgeons can combine vaginoplasty with labiaplasty or clitoral hood reduction for a full vaginal makeover.

If your goals involve those additional surgeries, your total vaginoplasty cost can increase significantly.


Experience of Doctor

Finally, you must consider the doctor’s experience performing the surgery. The surgeon’s experience is priceless, especially with vaginal surgery. You want to work with an expert in urogynecology and vaginal cosmetic surgery. Not only can they help you get the results you’re after, but they can also do so safely and efficiently. Dr. Michael Tahery has performed hundreds of vaginal and cosmetic procedures and you can be assured you will be in good hands. 

While considerable expertise can raise the total vaginoplasty cost, it’s one area where you don’t want to skimp.


RELATED: What is Genital Bleaching?


Is the Vaginoplasty Cost Covered by Insurance?

Traditionally, vaginoplasty is not a procedure that insurance policies will cover. However, there are some exceptions. This surgery can fall under the umbrella of cosmetic and reconstructive. It all depends on your unique needs and situation.

When the primary goals are to improve tightness, aesthetic appearance, and sexual sensation, vaginoplasty is more of a cosmetic procedure. But suppose you’re considering this procedure to correct injuries and trauma after childbirth, to treat urinary incontinence, or to address other medical concerns. In that case, your doctor may consider it medically necessary. This procedure can also be combined with other medically necessary conditions like urinary incontinence which is covered by most insurance companies. The cost of the cosmetic procedures may be an additional charge depending on your coverage. 

Insurance is a complex matter, so it’s important to consult your doctor and insurance company for more guidance.

Vaginoplasty costs can vary, but many women will tell you those expenses are well worth the outcome. If you want to learn more and explore your options, consult Dr. Tahery. Dr. Michael Tahery is well-versed in vaginoplasty procedures and is an expert in cosmetic vaginal surgery. As a board-certified OB/GYN and one of the most active gynecological and urogynecological surgeons in Los Angeles, Dr. Tahery has the know-how to help women like you achieve the best results possible. Contact our offices today to schedule a consultation and see if vaginoplasty is right for you.

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Why is The Vaginal Area Dark? Sat, 03 Feb 2024 22:46:34 +0000 Skin darkening and general hyperpigmentation are relatively common issues that can arise due to sun exposure and age. Having a dark vaginal area usually isn't a health concern. It's normal for women of all complexions to experience darkening around the vulva and other intimate areas. However, the extent of the ...

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Skin darkening and general hyperpigmentation are relatively common issues that can arise due to sun exposure and age. Most women won’t bat an eye when they develop a tan or sunspots. But darkening in more sensitive areas that don’t typically see the light of day often becomes a source of worry and low self-esteem.

Having a dark vaginal area usually isn’t a health concern. It’s normal for women of all complexions to experience darkening around the vulva and other intimate areas. However, the extent of the darkening varies, and the color change can worsen over time.


Causes of Dark Vaginal Area 

While this issue is normal, there are several potential reasons why women develop a dark vaginal area. Biologically, it’s a form of hyperpigmentation. It’s typically a byproduct of increased melanin production and accumulation in the area. There are a few common reasons why this occurs.



Friction can lead to skin-darkening on any part of the body, but it’s particularly common around the genital area. Increased friction often leads to hyperactivity in melanocytes, the cells that produce melanin pigment. When the melanocytes produce more pigment, it accumulates in the area and causes a darkening effect.

Women can experience daily friction in many ways. Sometimes, it’s due to ill-fitting underwear or tight clothing. In other cases, walking, running, and exercising can cause friction on the inner thighs and vulva. Even sexual activity can lead to increased friction that ultimately causes hyperpigmentation.



Shaving can also be a source of a dark vaginal area. Using a razor on sensitive body parts often leads to irritation and an inflammatory response. When that occurs, you may experience post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. It’s the same type of darkening that can occur after a pimple heals.

Some women also experience irritation and inflammation as new growth comes in. There’s also a risk that chemicals in shaving creams or lotions exacerbate the skin’s response.



Hormonal changes may be to blame for developing a dark vaginal area, too. While your entire body has pigment-producing melanocytes, those around the vulva can be particularly sensitive to hormones. The same goes for other sensitive areas around the nipple and anus.

Melanin production can kick into overdrive whenever your body experiences an increase in estrogen and progesterone. This change may occur during pregnancy or menopause. Many also experience skin changes when they’re on birth control.



Finally, skin darkening is common with aging. Skin throughout your entire body changes the older you get. Its tone, texture and elasticity will evolve. Those changes aren’t limited to your face, arms and décolletage. The same occurs with the skin in the vaginal area. Pair that with more repeated friction-based trauma and the hormonal changes that happen with menopause, and darkening becomes more common with age.


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Dark Vaginal Area Lightening

Developing a dark vaginal area is normal for women of all ages, but that doesn’t mean you have to settle for it. Despite its prevalence, discoloration can become a source of shame and make many self-conscious about their bodies. For that reason, genital bleaching and lightening treatments are becoming more common.

Genital lightening is a safe way to address skin darkening, and many options are available. Because discoloration can vary in intensity, it’s important to consult an expert like Dr. Tahery to determine the best course of action. 

One of the most common treatments is topical bleaching. It’s a gradual process that can be effective for many women. Prescription products in varying strengths reduce melanin in the skin while blocking biological processes that cause further hyperpigmentation. 

Dr Tahery has developed bleaching creams that are designed to treat the most delicate and sensitive parts of the body. These special bleach creams are safe and highly effective for most skin types and regions of the body.

Other options include peels and lasers. Laser treatments use high-intensity light pulses that penetrate the skin and target melanin.

When you’re ready to discuss your options and finally address your dark vaginal area, turn to Dr. Michael Tahery. Dr. Tahery has over 25 years of experience helping women like you in and around Los Angeles. As a urogynecologist, board-certified OB/GYN, and a recognized expert in cosmetic vaginal surgery, Dr. Tahery has the expertise to find a solution for your unique needs. Dr. Tahery provides individualized care and employs multiple techniques for genital skin lightening, helping you get the results you’re after regardless of your skin tone. Reach out to our offices today to schedule your consultation and learn more with Dr. Tahery.

The post Why is The Vaginal Area Dark? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

When Do You Need Vaginal Rejuvenation? Tue, 23 Jan 2024 18:11:43 +0000 In addition to being uncomfortable, vaginal laxity is also anatomically unsettling. Many women experience tears and laxity during vaginal delivery. This is also known as looseness of the vagina. With the vaginal canal widening a considerable amount while in labor, the vagina usually does not return to its pre-childbirth state .......

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With genital cosmetic surgeries growing increasingly popular, many women are uncovering the benefits of vaginal rejuvenation surgery. Though an uncomfortable topic for some, a healthy vagina is important to sexual function, self esteem, and correct functioning bladder and bowels. Pursuing this procedure can be driven by personal desire for a different appearance of the internal and external vagina (view images), sexual discomfort, and bladder and bowel functions. 


Vaginal Looseness

In addition to being uncomfortable, vaginal laxity is also anatomically unsettling. Many women experience tears and laxity during vaginal delivery. This is also known as looseness of the vagina. With the vaginal canal widening a considerable amount while in labor, the vagina usually does not return to its pre-childbirth state. Most women notice the vaginal looseness during sex, with exercise, and pressure in the pelvic area with standing up.  

As a uro-gynecologist, Dr Tahery specializes in identifying damages to the vaginal structure and repairing them. Dr. Tahery has designed outpatient procedures to restore vaginal appearance and function under local anesthesia, that are minimally invasive with minimal down time. 


Stress Incontinence

Described as the unintentional loss of urine, stress incontinence involves leaking urine in response to sometimes even minimal physical activity. Laughing, sneezing, and coughing are prime examples. Not only urine loss and odor can be embarrassing, but it prevents women from being physically and sexually active in fear of urine loss. Vaginal rejuvenation procedures have proven wildly effective in remedying this issue. Dr Tahery designs individual treatment plans that are well tolerated, minimally invasive, and effective. 

RELATED: Postpartum Urinary Incontinence


Bloated, Gas, Constipation, and, Hemorrhoids

One of the most common complaints in women is abdomen bloating, gas, constipation, and hemorrhoids. Weakness in the wall between the vagina and rectum results in entrapment of stool. Inability to empty the stool results in gas, abdominal bloating, pressure in the rectum and vagina, and hemorrhoids. This is also called “outlet obstruction”. Identifying and repairing the weakness in most cases can resolve these most bothersome issues. 


Dry Vaginal Tissue

One of the most common physical changes in perimenopause and menopause is vaginal dryness. Vaginal rejuvenation surgery is touted as an effective treatment for this symptom of menopause. Vaginal dryness can make it difficult and painful to have sex, and it can also make women more susceptible to infection. Laser and radiofrequency vaginal rejuvenation procedures are effective in treating dryness, increasing the blood flow to the vagina, and restoring natural lubrication.

RELATED: Menopause and Bio-identical Hormones

To discuss your options and procedures recommended by Dr Tahery, book your personal appointment at either our Los Angeles or Glendale office. You can also explore before and after gallery to see the possibilities of  vaginal rejuvenation.

The post When Do You Need Vaginal Rejuvenation? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

Vaginal Tightening: Ways to Tighten Your Vagina Sat, 30 Dec 2023 02:19:02 +0000 Unfortunately, stigmas surrounding the discussion of issues like this force many to deal with the negative aspects of vaginal laxity in silence. But you don't have to settle for undesired looseness. This problem is more common than most realize, affecting most women at some point in their lives. It's not just a cosmetic issue. Laxity can negatively ...

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According to Dr. Tahery, an expert in diagnosis and treatment of vulvar and vaginal disorders, millions of women deal with vaginal laxity, or looseness of the vagina. Unfortunately, stigmas surrounding the discussion of issues like this force many to deal with the negative aspects of vaginal laxity in silence. But you don’t have to settle for undesired looseness.

This problem is more common than most realize, affecting most women at some point in their lives. It’s not just a cosmetic issue. Laxity can negatively affect sexual function, bladder and bowel function,  impacting your lifestyle, self-esteem and overall quality of life.

Fortunately, there are ways to address it. Vaginal tightening treatments and procedures are available to help you regain your confidence and get your life back.


Causes Of Vaginal Laxity 

As per Dr Tahery’s experience, there are many potential causes for vaginal looseness. One of the most common is trauma during childbirth. Estimates say that roughly 20 percent of new mothers have vaginal laxity three months post-birth. In about 12 percent of women, the issue persists beyond 12 months. It’s common for looseness to occur after childbirth due to stretched tissue.

Many women also seek vaginal tightening procedures when experiencing laxity caused by pelvic floor disorders. Looseness can also be a problem that comes with aging. After menopause, hormonal changes cause many noticeable changes in the body. One of them is less elasticity in the vaginal lining caused by lower estrogen levels.


RELATED: Vaginal Atrophy Treatment Options


Ways To Tighten Your Vagina

No matter the cause of laxity, several treatment options exist to address the issue and restore elasticity. What’s right for you depends on your unique case. That’s why it’s important to seek professional care. After a thorough examination, Dr. Tahery, a urogynecologist expert in treatment of vaginal and vulvar disorders, can identify potential causes and develop a vaginal tightening treatment plan that addresses your needs.

There are some of the ways to tighten the vagina:


Laser Vaginal Tightening

One treatment utilized by Dr Tahery in mild cases of vaginal laxity is laser vaginal tightening. It’s a form of vaginal rejuvenation that doesn’t require surgery or substantial downtime. It’s an outpatient procedure that triggers improvements from within, using your body’s natural biological processes.

It’s not a one-and-done treatment option. Laser vaginal tightening typically requires multiple sessions, the number of which varies based on your needs. However, many women experience great success.

This vaginal tightening treatment works via lasers and radio frequency waves. Providers use equipment that produces energy to stimulate the thickening of vaginal tissue. Lasers trigger your body to produce more collagen and elastin while stimulating blood vessel growth.


Surgical Repairs

Surgical techniques developed by Dr Tahery can be used for more advanced cases of laxity. These procedures address the damaged muscles and connective tissue and are more extensive and may require some downtime. However, the results are often very impressive and don’t require multiple repeat sessions. There are several techniques used to tighten the vagina via surgery. 

Dr Tahery has developed anesthetic protocols allowing these operations to be performed under local anesthesia. 

Vaginoplasty procedures involve tightening the muscles inside the vagina. This surgery can also repair the pelvic floor and vaginal walls. Many women choose to get vaginoplasty along with other cosmetic surgical procedures, such as labiaplasty or clitoral hood reduction. Dr Tahery’s techniques have helped many women reverse the damaged vaginal and vulvar tissue and restore health and function.


Hormonal Treatment

For women experiencing vaginal laxity due to menopause or other hormonal issues, this option may be the right solution. Hormonal treatment aims to increase estrogen levels. Higher estrogen levels can thicken the tissue on the vaginal walls by boosting your body’s production of elastin and collagen.

Hormonal treatment may also address other menopause-related issues. For example, it often generates more natural lubrication to address vaginal dryness and discomfort. The most common methods for hormonal treatment include oral hormones, topical products, or pessaries.


Non-hormonal Treatment, SILK

Dr Tahery has formulated a non-hormonal treatment option, SILK, with a similar benefit profile as hormone therapy without the side effects associated with hormones. Ideal for women who can not or do not want to use hormones. 


Pelvic Floor Therapy

Another way to tighten your vagina is through pelvic floor therapy. The feeling of tightness, especially during sexual intercourse, typically comes from the pelvic floor muscles around the vagina. Pelvic floor disorders, childbirth and aging can weaken those muscles.

Pelvic floor therapy can tighten your vagina by strengthening those muscles. There are many guided exercises you can do to experience vaginal tightening and a stronger pelvic floor over time. Therapy may also include stretches, electrical stimulation, biofeedback devices, and more.

If you’re struggling with the effects of vaginal laxity, turn to Dr. Michael Tahery. Dr. Tahery is a board-certified OB/GYN and a urogynecologist with more than 25 years of experience helping women like you. He is one of the most active gynecological surgeons in the Los Angeles area and is an expert in minimally invasive surgery and cosmetic vaginal surgery. Dr. Tahery takes a personalized approach, using his expertise to find the tightening treatment that’s right for you. Contact our offices today to schedule your consultation and explore your treatment options.

The post Vaginal Tightening: Ways to Tighten Your Vagina appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

What is Lichen Sclerosus? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:43:18 +0000 Lichen sclerosus is a non-STD inflammatory condition that can severely impact a woman's quality of life. Once it develops, lichen sclerosus can cause itchy and painful patches of thin, wrinkled, and discolored skin to develop. The lichen sclerosus symptoms ...

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Women can experience a wide array of vaginal problems that go undiagnosed for years because many are too embarrassed to inform their doctors about them. However, failing to speak up can lead to worsening symptoms when viable treatments are available. 

According to Dr. Tahery, an expert in diagnosis and treatment of vulvar and vaginal disorders, one lesser-known condition that can affect women of all ages is lichen sclerosus. This relatively rare condition can occur throughout the body, but it’s most common in the genital and vaginal areas.

Lichen sclerosus is a non-STD inflammatory condition that can severely impact a woman’s quality of life. Once it develops, lichen sclerosus can cause itchy and painful patches of thin, wrinkled, and discolored skin to develop. The lichen sclerosus symptoms can change the appearance of the labia while causing significant pain during intercourse and when urinating. While lichen sclerosus is chronic, many treatments are available to relieve symptoms.


Signs and Symptoms of Lichen Sclerosus

This condition can affect any body part, including the back, upper shoulders, breasts, and arms. However, it most commonly affects the genitals and anal regions. Lichen sclerosus symptoms can be mild, and many people don’t realize they have the condition for years because they don’t show any symptoms. But when they develop, the symptoms can worsen over time.

The first symptoms to appear are typically small, pink, or white lesions. However, those lesions can graduate to larger patches of white, wrinkly, tissue-like skin. As the skin worsens, those patches can get itchy and painful. Due to the skin’s delicate texture and sensitive location, even mild scratching can cause bleeding.

Other lichen sclerosus symptoms include:

  • Soreness
  • Burning sensations
  • Bruising
  • Blotchy skin coloring
  • Bleeding or blistering sores
  • Changes in urination
  • Discomfort during urination
  • Pain during sex

Women may also experience physical changes. For example, lichen sclerosus symptoms often include skin thinning, tightening, and shrinkage around the labia. It can make the labia appear flat or cause the vaginal opening to appear smaller. Those symptoms can result in significant pain and may change urine flow.


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What Causes Lichen Sclerosus?

Unfortunately, there are no clear lichen sclerosus causes. The medical field is still learning about the condition, but several studies show a few potential links. Contrary to popular belief and first reactions, sexually transmitted diseases are not among the possible lichen sclerosus causes. Instead, researchers believe it could be a byproduct of genetics, hormonal changes, immune system response, and other factors.

Some studies suggest that people have a genetic predisposition to lichen sclerosus. In those cases, researchers believe that trauma or injury to the affected area can trigger the condition to develop.

It could also be the effects of an autoimmune disorder. In those cases, the immune system attacks healthy skin cells, resulting in lichen sclerosus symptoms.

Hormonal imbalances may also be among the potential lichen sclerosus causes. The link between lichen sclerosus and hormones isn’t well-known, but some theories suggest that low estrogen levels could be to blame.

The reason for that theory comes down to who it affects most. Men and women of all ages can develop lichen sclerosus. However, estimates say it affects up to ten times as many women as it does men. And the age group that deals with lichen sclerosus symptoms most are postmenopausal women.


RELATED: Why is my Labia Shrinking?


Lichen Sclerosus Diagnosis and Treatment

No matter the lichen sclerosus causes, there are treatments available. This condition is chronic. Once it develops, it often affects women for the rest of their lives. The good news is that lichen sclerosus treatment can help keep symptoms under control while addressing pain and discomfort.

Before treatment, a doctor must diagnose lichen sclerosus. This typically occurs through a physical examination. Healthcare providers may also order a biopsy.

Once confirmed, doctors can work with patients to determine the best course of action. Topical medications are a viable lichen sclerosus treatment. Doctors may prescribe topical steroids that reduce inflammation and itching. Steroids are usually the first-choice treatment. Other topical medications to treat this condition include Calcineurin inhibitors and retinol. Retinol is a form of Vitamin A that encourages skin cell turnover. Meanwhile, Calcineurin inhibitors suppress the immune system’s response to the area to treat inflammation.

An alternative to topical lichen sclerosus treatment options is oral medications and phototherapy. Oral retinol and immunosuppressants may help to keep inflammation and pain under control. Phototherapy may do the same via exposure to ultraviolet light at safe wavelengths.

Besides the itching, pain, and discomfort, if untreated lichen sclerosis can cause cancer of the genitalia in some patients. 

If you’re dealing with the effects of lichen sclerosus, don’t hesitate to reach out to the offices of Dr. Michael Tahery. Dr. Tahery is a board-certified OB/GYN and one of the most active urogynecological surgeons in the Los Angeles area. Dr. Tahery has over two decades of experience helping women by treating a wide array of vaginal and reproductive conditions. Contact our offices to schedule your appointment with Dr. Tahery today and explore possible lichen sclerosus treatment options.

The post What is Lichen Sclerosus? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.
